27 august 2011

Mic dictionar sanskrit ...

Jaya (jai) – Victorie; Jai Jagdish – Victorie, Glorie Stapanului Lumilor!

Mata (Ma) – Mama

Ganapati – gaNaanaaM pathiH – Cel care conduce…

Vidyaa – cunoastere, stiinta, invatatura, eruditie, filozofie…

Maha – mare; mahatman - suflet mare, sfant... , mahavidya - mare putere cosmica...

Nam.h – a saluta

Namah – salut

Namo - salutare

Namaste – salut plin de respect

pañcha - cinci ; panchatattva - cele cinci tatve (element, principiu, adevar, fiinta, energie...)

akshara(a) - litera (cuvant, discurs)

stotraM - imn, rugaciune

Shiva – cel bun, cel bland, cel plin de daruri, cel favorabil, cel perfect

Shiva este deasemenea un nume al lui Dumnezeu…

OM NAMAH SHIVAYA … Inchinare, Adorare Celui desavarsit!

Aceasta mantra este denumita si Shiva Panchakshara, mantra cu cinci silabe a lui Shiva: NA MA SHI VA YA

In cinstea acestei mantre vedice, cea mai cunoscuta in shivaism , faimosul filozof si sfant Shankara(788 CE - 820 CE) a inchinat un imn rugaciune (stotram) care a devenit si el celebru...

The Lyrics or text of the strotram given below in English

Nagendraharaya Trilochanaya Bhasmangaragaya Maheshvaraya Nityaya Shuddhaya Digambaraya Tasmai Nakaraya Namah Shivaya .. 1

Mandakini salila chandana charchitaya Nandishvara pramathanatha Maheshvaraya Mandarapushpa bahupushhpa supujitaya Tasmai Makaraya Namah Shivaya .. 2

Shivaya Gauri vadanabjavrunda Suryaya Dakshadhvara Nashakaya Shrinilakanthaya Vrushhadhvajaya Tasmai Shikaraya Namah Shivaya .. 3

Vasishhtha kumbhodbhava gautamarya Munindra devarchita shekharaya . Chandrarkavaishvanara lochanaya Tasmai Vakaraya Namah Shivaya .. 4

Yakshasvarupaya Jatadharaya Pinakahastaya Sanatanaya Divyaya Devaya Digambaraya Tasmai Yakaraya Namah Shivaya .. 5

The lyrics or text of Shiva Panchakshari Mantra Strotra in Hindi or Sanskrit script below

नागेन्द्रहराया त्रिलोचनाय भास्मंगारागाया महेश्वराय नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगम्बराय तस्मै नकाराय नमः शिवाय .. १

मन्दाकिनी सलिला चंदना चर्चिताय नंदिश्वारा प्रमाथानाथा महेश्वराय मंदारापुश्पा बहुपुश्ह्पा सुपुजिताया तस्मै मकाराय नमः शिवाय .. २

शिवाय गौरी वादानाब्जवृन्दा सूर्याय दक्शाध्वारा नशाकाया श्रीनिलाकंथाया व्रुश्ढ़वाजय तस्मै शिकाराय नमः शिवाय .. ३

वसिष्ठ कुम्भोद्भावा गौतामार्य मुनीन्द्र देवार्चिता शेखाराया . चन्द्रर्कावैश्वनारा लोचानाया तस्मै वकाराय नमः शिवाय .. ४

यक्शास्वरुपाया जताधाराया पिनाकहस्ताया सनातनाय दिव्याय देवाय दिगम्बराय तस्मै यकाराय नमः शिवाय .. ५

Meaning of The Shiva Panchakshari Mantra Strotra

Salutations to Shiva, who wears the king of snakes as a garland, the three-eyed god, whose body is smeared with ashes, the great lord, the eternal and pure one, who wears the directions as his garment, and who is represented by the syllable ``na ''

I bow to Shiva, who has been worshiped with water from the Ganga (Mandakini) and anointed with sandalwood paste, the lord of Nandi, the lord of the host of goblins and ghosts, the great lord, who is worshiped with Mandara and many other kinds of flowers, and who is represented by the syllable ``ma. ''

Salutations to Shiva, who is all-auspiciousness, who is the sun that causes the lotus face of Gauri (Parvati) to blossom, who is the destroyer of the yajna of Daksha, whose throat is blue (Nilakantha), whose flag bears the emblem of the bull, and who is represented by the syllable ``shi. ''

Vasishhtha, Agastya, Gautama, and other venerable sages, and Indra and other gods have worshipped the head of (Shiva's linga). I bow to that Shiva whose three eyes are the moon, sun and fire, and who is represented by the syllable ``va. ''

salutations to Shiva, who bears the form of a Yaksha, who has matted hair on his head, who bears the Pinaka bow in his hand, the primeval lord, the brilliant god, who is digambara (naked), and who is represented by the syllable ``ya. ''

Multumim Doamne Tata Ceresc pentru aceasta uluitoare initiere si revelatie !

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