21 ianuarie 2011


Somewhere out in empty space,
long before the human race,
Something stirred,
A vast and timeless source began,
Intelligence was born and then,
there was the world,
Powers filled the universe,
matter formed and broke the curse,
Of nothingness,
Love became an ageless soul,
nature reached her highest goal,
And breathed the breath of life,
Everlasting life.

Well creatures come from out of sight,
Daylight came from in the night,
and all was good,
Life became a masterplan,
Love produced the perfect man,
that understood,
The image of the makers word,
worshipped him with all he had,
But then one day,
From in the depths an evil seed,
grew and manufactured greed,
That changed the way of life,
Everlasting life,

Oh the loving power looked and saw,
Inside the heart of man a flaw,
began to grow,
Well, the fires of hell began to burn,
and so he sent his chosen son,
To let us know,
That love had surely made us all,
and hate would surely make us fall,
So from the cross,
Well he showed the world that dreadful day,
That love could be the only way,
or all is lost of life,
Everlasting life,
For life is love,
And love is life.

Undeva in infinit
Cu mult inainte ca omul sa existe
Ceva s-a starnit
O uriasa si fara de sfarsit energie a tasnit
Inteligenta s-a nascut si apoi
Iata si lumea
Puterea a umplut universul
Materia s-a format si a rupt genunile
Iubirea a devenit un spirit fara sfarsit
Natura si-a atins supremul scop
Respirand suflul vietii
Al vietii fara sfarsit

Creaturi minunate au aparut de nicaieri
Lumina a aparut din intuneric
Si toate erau bune
Viata si-a inceput maretul plan
Iubirea a produs omul perfect
Care a inteles
Ca este imaginea Creatorului
Adorandul cu tot spiritul
Dar intr-o zi
Din adancuri o samanta rea
Creste nascand lacomia
Schimband drumul vietii
Al vietii fara sfarsit

Oh, puterea Iubirii s-a uitat si a vazut
In interiorul inimii omului o pata
Ce a inceput sa creasca
Pana cand flacarile infernului au inceput sa arda
Si astfel El si-a trims Fiul cel ales
Ca sa vesteasca
Ca Iubirea doar ne-a creat pe noi toti
Si Ura ne va face sa cadem
Astfel de pe cruce
El a aratat in infricosatoarea zi
Ca Iubirea este singrua cale
Sau altfel totul e pierdut in viata
In viata fara sfarsit
Pentru ca Viata e Iubire
Si Iubirea e Viata 

2 comentarii:

  1. Cu adevarat divin!
    Multumesc, Ingere!
    Nu cunosteam nici melodia, nici versurile.

  2. Minunea este aceasta ca Dumnezeu este in toate si ne vorbeste prin toate si mai ales prin toti oamenii de geniu, de la marii scriitori la marii cantareti...
    Evident ca marii oameni de Spirit sunt modele desavarsite dar, daca avem discernamant spiritual, il putem identifica si acolo unde mesajul Lui nu e in totalitate pur, adica si in exteriorul templelor...
    Elvis a interpretat multe cantece devotionale. Dumnezeu sa-l binecuvanteze si sa-l mantuiasca...:)
